Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gettysburg Getaway

Saying goodbye to the Mid-Atlantic, a lasting image of WV.

The most ubiquitous form of advertising? SIGNS

The magic of sign-making.
The car wash owner found this halved '55 Chevy and got creative.

 Always ready with a bucket list suggestion, BikerBuck's latest recommendation is Gettysburg National Military Park Pennsylvania.

There are scores of tributes to the states that were involved in the war.

General Lee's is the largest of the individual monuments.
The Visitor Center and Museum present the film "We are Met on a Great Battlefield", the "Battle of Gettysburg" cyclorama, and the Gettysburg Museum of the American Civil War, which place the campaign and battle in the larger contest of the war. It is believed that 620,000 died in the War of Northern Aggression, roughly 2% of the U.S. population at that time.

Next up: Pennsylvania ride and a home stay in Ligonier PA

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