Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mahalo Mr. Nick

Donivee and I have known Nick and Jane Nagel and their families for several decades.  We've had lots of adventures together...camping, hiking, partying, confiding and child rearing for example. When Nick learned about BikerBuck's 50-50 and discovered that it was to be a solo initiative, he immediately called and asked whether it would be OK if he came along.  What Nick was really saying was, "Are you crazy!"

You see, Nick Nagel knows BikerBuck's weaknesses.  Among them are RV Piloting (Doni and the Buckster borrowed the Nagel's Road Trek one time and damn near lost a front wheel on a Utah mountain - but that's another story); Outdoor Dining (the Lairds steadfastly employ old yogurt cups as goblets); Map Reading (the Hawaii Trail and Mountain Club offered to provide us with homing devices after hearing about our wayward pathfinding on a Waimea Canyon hike); Outfitting (BB carries about 129 lbs. of luggage whereas NN was fully functional with a gym bag and an iPad); and Laptop Literacy (a strong suit for Donivee but an "emerging skill" for you-know-who.)

And so it was our friend Nick to the rescue for this, the first mainland segment of BikerBuck's 50-50. In addition to completing every bike ride on the trip, Nick happily and skillfully assumed the roles of - in alphabetical order:  Executive Chef; Way Finder; Gadgeteer in Chief; Quartermaster; Communications Officer; Head Mechanic; Oil King; Welfare & Morale Officer and Comptroller.

Obviously BikerBuck leaves many voids to be filled, but at least he can alphabetize.

Thank you, Nick Nagel.

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